Saturday 11 April 2020

eight Loss Resources Find a Gym #MyAnytimeStory 25-Minute Bodyweight Workout

As a trainer, I’m always asked the questions:
  • When is the best time to work out?
  • Should I work out in the mornings?
  • Should I work out after work?
  • Should I workout outside of the gym? 
Truth is, it really depends on the person. But here are three reasons why fitting in a 25-minute bodyweight workout that can be done anywhere is a great option.

1. Time

Finding time to work out can be difficult, but if you can find just 25 minutes in your day, you’ll be in great shape! 

2. Location

This one is important, I can write a whole blog post on why I think it’s important to go to the gym, but the bottom line is this: what’s important is working out–not where you do it.

3. Wellness

Life can get in the way and it’s easy to prioritize daily life over working out. I’m here to encourage you to carve out time to workout, only 25 minutes is all this will take. The benefits of staying active far outweigh the cost of not making healthy happen. 
Choose 25 minutes, and make the most of it. So here’s your chance!

25-Minute Bodyweight Workout

Perform these exercises with a moderate pace and limited rest.
Don’t waste a minute!
Break for a minute, and the repeat until 25 minutes on the clock runs out.


eight Loss Resources Find a Gym #MyAnytimeStory 25-Minute Bodyweight Workout

As a trainer, I’m always asked the questions: When is the best time to work out? Should I work out in the mornings? Should I work o...